Expert Advice for Only $10!

Ask me anything - any topic, any question! If I don't have the answer, there's no charge. If I do, and you're satisfied, it's just $10 per question. Not quite satisfied? The only payment requested is your honest feedback. Keep reading for more details.

How To Reach Me:

Send your questions via text or voice memo using:

If it's easier to explain your question, feel free to create a Loom video and send me the link through these same channels.

Note: Questions should be kept to under 300 characters (text) or 2-minutes (voice/video). If they are too long, I may ask you to be more concise and resubmit.

<span>How To Reach Me:</span>

My Response Commitment

Typical Response Time: I typically respond within 1 hour during business hours (9am to 5pm EST, Monday through Friday).

Maximum Wait: Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. I value your time and ensure prompt replies.

Urgent Queries: If your need is urgent, mark your message with a '!' emoji. While this doesn't guarantee an immediate response, it helps me prioritize.

<span>My Response Commitment</span>

Understanding My Pay-Per-Question Model:

Simple and Transparent: This service is priced at just $10 per individual question and intentionally designed to make expert advice both affordable and accessible to everyone.

Freedom to Explore More: Feel free to ask additional questions as our conversation unfolds. Each new question is an opportunity for deeper understanding and insight, priced fairly at just $10 per question (not conversation).

Flexible Payment Options After Our Discussion:

  • Option 1 - Payment for Each Question: If you find value in the answers and guidance provided, you can choose to pay $10 for each question. I'll confirm the amount with you after our conversation concludes.

  • Option 2 - Feedback in Lieu of Monetary Payment: This option is available for two questions or less. If my advice didn't meet your needs, expectations, or you feel there's room for improvement, opt to provide feedback in lieu of monetary payment. Your constructive insights help me enhance my services, ensuring they remain valuable and accessible to all.

This pay-per-question model is not just about affordability; it’s about providing you with a personalized, flexible service where you can seek the exact amount of guidance you need. It's a testament to my commitment to making expert advice accessible to everyone.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Payment amount is confirmed and made AFTER our conversation. Payment is $10 per question, not conversation. Questions pertaining to how this service works do not count as a paid question. If you need clarification on my Ask Me Anything service, please feel free to reach out via any of the above listed channels or email at colleen[at]smokyblueevents[dot]com.

<span>Understanding My Pay-Per-Question Model:</span>

If We've Already Connected, Use the Below Button To Make Payment.