DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™

Before we dive into what DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™ is all about, let's talk about who it's really for... 

“It’s either you pay thousands of dollars for a planner OR you just have to do it on your own and take a leap in the dark. This is that perfect little thing in the middle.”

Jenny (DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™ Bride)

Smoky Blue Events

If you...

  • know a thing or two about being smart and savvy when it comes to sticking to your wedding budget.

  • are an "I can totally figure that out!" kind of bride who is doing most of the heavy lifting when it comes to wedding planning.

  • know planning your wedding is FAR from the only thing on your plate. Be it college, kids or (and?) a full time job - you’re deep in the throes of navigating through the overwhelm and chaos of pulling together THE biggest celebration of your life while also juggling 100 other daily responsibilities. 

then, go ahead and do a little happy dance, because this is 100% where you belong! 

“I'm so happy I purchased this program!!! It has made bringing together all of the planning seamless, simple, and fun! Thank you so much!”

Feature Review

Carrie (DIY Bride)

<span>If you...</span>

By the end of this program, you'll have ...

  • Developed clear, realistic expectations that perfectly blend together your dream wedding desires with wedding industry standards. There will be no day-of “oops, didn’t know that, now it’s too late” surprises for you.

  • Found a quick and easy way back to making your engagement experience fun and exciting again with just a simple shift in mindset.

  • Learned the number one mistake people make when self-planning their wedding and the crazy-pants-awesome-with-sprinkles-on-top simple way to avoid it (psst ... this 3-minute activity will literally change EV.ER.Y.thing!)

  • Discovered new ways to identify where you need help and how to ask for it in such a way where your friends and family feel included and useful (not used - ick!)

“This program pointed out things that I hadn't thought of - even being in the industry - and gave me the tools to be more organized in general. I love the focus on delegating and making sure the bride and groom are not the point person on the wedding day.”

Feature Review

Sam (Bride + Wedding Florist)

<span>By the end of this program, you'll have ...</span>

And ...

  • Tapped into all the secrets of a stress-free wedding ensuring you don’t work one, signal, solitary minute on your wedding day. It’s all pampering, bubbly and starry-eyes for this bride.

  • Implemented the proven 4-step system to planning with E.A.S.E setting yourself up to enjoy not only the wedding day, but the entire wedding weekend, wedding week, and even wedding month. You will have completely flipped the script, from the predestined last-minute mad dash to a big, bright, blissful month-long bash!

  • Crafted your own fool-proof communication plan used only by professional wedding planners so everyone - from wedding party to hired pros - are on the same page. Your wedding day team will know where to go, who to go to (hint: not you!), what to do, when to do it by, and more (oh so much more … can you feel the excitement yet?!)

“Getting all the information all in one place was so helpful, not just for us but for everyone helping us on our wedding day. I love that there was a conscious inclusion for same-sex couples - I didn’t feel out of place. When we looked for wedding vendors, there were some that weren’t interested in working with us. It was great to feel like it didn’t matter.”

Feature Review

Tia (DIY Bride)

<span>And ...</span>

When you Enroll in DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™

You'll Get ...

Step-by-Step, Actionable Instruction

Showing you literally everything you need to rid your life of that unnecessary, unwanted wedding planning stress and overwhelm and prepare you for a wedding day you will actually enjoy, not work!

Professional insight on how to delegate wedding tasks like a pro

Making guests feel useful and included (not used and taken advantage of), and a foolproof plan for making sure you don’t work a minute of your wedding day!

A step-by-step system for simplifying and streamlining the wedding planning process

Providing you with a proven path that has been designed by someone who has been a part of over 1,000 weddings, the majority of which were DIY weddings just like yours! You’ll gain all the clarity you need to confidently know you have thought of every single detail for your wedding day.

A next level communication strategy

That gives you the upper hand in maximizing your planning efforts and ensures a smooth, stress-free wedding day where everyone is on the same page. (Oh! And bonus. It will totally make you look like the most bomb-as$ bride ever!)

A powerful shift for your future

You’ll go from a path destined for a rushed and frantic wedding week likely full of forgotten details, to a wedding month overflowing with meaningful moments and celebrations.

“"[DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy] helped tremendously in my planning process as we did not have room in the budget for any kind of wedding coordinator. The information provided during the program is all stuff that I had wondered about but never really knew the specifics of. I can’t thank everyone enough for helping me to get organized so that I could enjoy my wedding day!” ”

Feature Review

Jennifer (DIY Bride)

<span>When you Enroll in DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™ </span>

Backed by a Risk-Free 14-Day Guarantee

AND an Opportunity to Easily Make Back Your Investment!

DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™ is the simplest, quickest, most affordable way to plan your wedding on your own.  

By the end of these 14 days, after having a chance to dive in and explore the 4-step “Planning with E.A.S.E.” framework, if you don’t feel totally confident and motivated by this program, simply reach out and we’ll refund you your investment. 

If, however, you are loving and totally committed to making this program work for you, upon completion of the program you will be given an exclusive invitation to join us as a SBE Partner where you can actually make money sharing DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™ with friends, family, online communities, your own wedding vendors and more.

This means not only can you very easily make back your investment, you can actually make money from it! Not to mention, you’ll have gone through the entire program and come out on the other side with clarity, calm, organization, confidence, excitement and a proven step-by-step system to fully plan your entire wedding in such a way where you won’t have to work a minute of it!

And that? ... Well that is priceless.

“My guests are still talking about how amazing my wedding was, and I firmly believe that with this support [helping me to] refine my day-of-timeline, ensuring that no detail was left behind, my wedding was truly perfect.”

Feature Review


<span>Backed by a Risk-Free 14-Day Guarantee</span>

Still thinking about it?

Giving DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™ a 14-day risk-free shot is the PERFECT decision if any of the following rings true for you...

  • You’re already investing hours and hours each week planning your wedding. At best, it seems inefficient. And worst, some days it just feels like you’re going in circles.

  • You’re ready to have affordable, professional support and insight to help you really maximize your time so you can get more done, more easily and way faster!

  • You want all your hours and hours upon days and days of planning - not to mention all the stress and tears of frustration that have come along with the territory so far - to allow you the freedom to actually enjoy your wedding day.

  • Maybe you’re not yet convinced you can have a stress-free wedding week and even wedding month, too (don’t worry, I’ll show you exactly how to make this all happen shortly after joining), but you KNOW you are worthy and deserving of an incredible, magical, stress-free wedding day. Just ONE day is all you’re asking for here. All this has to be for something, right? 

  • You are just starting to enter into the midway-mayhem of wedding planning, maybe you have one foot still in engagement euphoria but you know it’s coming to an end sooner than later. Ideally, you’d like to avoid the messy middle, headache-laden, palpitation-inducing part of wedding planning entirely if at all possible. (Good news! If this is you, you’ve found your way right to where you are meant to be at just the right time.

  • You’re ready to claim back your time, your joy, your excitement. Like, now. RIGHT now. You’re done with the stress and overwhelm, the chaos and clutter. This isn’t how you envisioned your engagement going and you’re ready to rid yourself of this feeling once and for all so you can sit back with newly found peace of mind, calm and clarity to achieve the engagement and wedding of your dreams!

“Every single detail was ironed out. This basically took a year of my DIY projects, planning and stressing and made it all come together to create my dream wedding.”

Feature Review


<span>Still thinking about it?</span>

I can’t wait for you to join DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™!

I want you to have the wedding of your dreams within a budget you can afford. 

There is a special place in my heart for creative, DIY brides working their tails off to plan, design and decorate the perfect wedding day, all (or mostly) on their own. Very few people can do what you’re doing. You are creative in all the ways - with your decor, your spending, your thrifting and your ingenuity. 

Simply stated: you are absolutely incredible. 

Here’s something I feel would be helpful for you to know about me, the person you’ll be spending time with throughout this program: I went into business for DIY brides specifically. I didn’t just happen upon a few DIY weddings here and there. They don’t just make up less than 1% of the weddings I’ve designed and planned as they do for most other planners. 

DIY weddings are the majority of my extensive background in weddings and events. All the services I created when I owned my on-location business were designed with DIY brides in mind. Day-of setup and breakdown services, DIY support and craft parties, affordable a la carte day-of wedding planning … and now, DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™.

There is not a program out there like this one. And if there is, and I just haven’t found it yet, I can nearly guarantee it does not come from someone who has been so passionate about serving DIY brides for so many years. 

I know your heart and your fears, what brings you joy and what causes you angst. I know how a glue gun in your hand is your happy place and how you are always looking to make the things everyone else just goes out and buys. That you don’t just do it because it can save money (you and I both know this is laughable ... on more than one (or 100) occasions it has cost me far more to make-the-thing than to just buy-the-thing). 

For you, it’s the joy in learning a new skill or tool, the feeling of accomplishment and pride in seeing what you were able to create, the memory it unlocks years in the future as you hold the embodiment of your own unique creativity, ingenuity, (and often blood, sweat, burns and tears) in your hands...

I want your wedding day to elicit these same emotions. Your creativity should be nurtured, embraced, and celebrated. And all those other things you know nothing or care nothing about, well, that’s where I can help.

I was a DIY bride and I have purposely surrounded myself with the creative, inspiring energy of DIY brides for most of my career. 

You deserve to have the wedding of your dreams. You are worthy of a beautiful celebration of love, one free of worry and stress. One you can actually enjoy, filled with laughter and friendship, giddiness and pure happiness … and nothing less. 

I want you to be confident in this investment. I want you to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this is just what you need. You owe it to yourself, your partner, and your future together to take this risk-free leap and experience firsthand the calm, clarity, and confidence that’s possible and waiting for you on the other side.

Should you choose to accept my heartfelt invitation, I personally guarantee that what you will learn and implement throughout DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™ will be completely and utterly life changing for you and the future you are creating together with your partner. 

I look forward to meeting you personally inside DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™. 

ALL my best. 


Colleen Carswell

“Three months before my big day I was having mini-nervous breakdowns every night, my mother and I were starting world war three and my fiancé was avoiding me because I was such a cranky person. This small investment was SO WORTH IT! Words cannot describe. A thousand thank you's”

Feature Review


<span>I can’t wait for you to join DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™!</span>

"This program pointed out things that I hadn't thought of - even being in the industry - and gave me the tools to be more organized in general. I love the focus on delegating and making sure the bride [is] not the point person on the wedding day."

Sam W.
(Florist + DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy Bride)

Frequently Asked Questions

I was just recently engaged. Will this program benefit me now or should I come back later?

DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™ will absolutely benefit you! Many of our brides have come back to say they wish they had found this program sooner. While you may not be able to complete absolutely everything as compared to someone who is in the middle to late stages of wedding planning, you will have a roadmap that guides you from the very beginning. You get a sneak peek into the end-game and big-picture goal. You’ll get to create a plan for how to be navigating things now so that you have an amazing wedding and engagement.

My wedding is just around the corner. Will this program still help me?

You bet it will! It’s never too late to start gaining more confidence and clarity while planning your wedding. And chances are, at this stage of the planning process you likely have all the pieces already figured out (even if you don’t think you do). You just need an organized system backed by years of experience to get you as quickly as possible from point A to Z and to fill in any gaps that may still be hiding in the shadows of the cluttered chaos.

If your wedding is more than three weeks away, you can absolutely benefit from DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™ in a BIG way!

Now, I won’t tell you it will be as easy as if you were to take the course a few months ago. But what I can say is you are here now, and now is the next best time to take action. If you can make this program a priority and take action, you could have your wedding completely planned within the month. And I'll be here to support you all along the way!

I’m already overwhelmed with wedding planning, are you sure this won’t just add to my stress? How can I be sure this is the right step for me?

I’ll be totally upfront with you. Yes, there are a significant amount of things you'll want to learn and implement inside of DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™.

But here’s my BIG promise to you: you’ll never waste your time and energy. In fact, you’ll always feel like everything you are doing is actually bringing you one step closer to reclaiming your time and energy and setting you up for a stress-free wedding day you can actually enjoy and cherish for years to come!

As long as you are willing to invest a few hours every week to planning your wedding (which, my bet is you’re already doing way beyond this) and reach out for help every time you get stuck, you can absolutely do this.

Can I really make back my investment?

Absolutely! This is one of my favorite parts of DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™. It’s a program that truly gives back and also, keeps giving forward!

The team at Smoky Blue Events and the industry professionals we surround ourselves with are here to make a positive impact and significant shift in the lives of DIY brides. And you are such an important part of this.

Not only do you allow us the honor of living into this purpose directly, but then you have the opportunity to become a part of the ongoing, bigger picture.

After going through this program - tapping into the calm, clarity, and peace of mind you’ll have achieved with our proven step-by-step framework for planning a stress-free, memorable wedding - you can then confidently and eagerly share it with other deserving brides.

Share it with friends, family, online communities, vendors, and more - it only takes two brides enrolling in the program to earn back your investment.

It is my sincerest hope that we can all come together and continue in this ripple effect to positively impact the lives of DIY brides everywhere ... because everyone, regardless of budget, deserves the luxury of having an enjoyable, stress-free, magical, memorable wedding day.

I will do everything in my power to make that happen for you. And the partner program is just one way we can help. (And don’t forget, too, that we offer a 14-day money back guarantee so you can try this program and make sure it’s the right fit for you before fully committing.)

PLEASE NOTE: You must have completed the SBE Partner application before making referrals that result in payment. This will all be covered in the exclusive invitation you receive after completing DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™.

Enroll in DIY Wedding Planning Made Easy™.